How To Wear Glitter Eye Makeup As An Adult

It’s definitely that time of year when, as an adult, it’s entirely appropriate to wear glitter eye makeup without looking like you’re still in secondary school...
In order to get away with glitter on your eyes, you need to apply it in the right way by infusing subtle shimmer into your makeup to give you a glammed up edge. Here are five tips on how to wear glitter eye makeup as an adult:
Avoid icy whites, pastels, silvers and neon, unless you’re a teenager.
A more sophisticated and grown up look means sticking to jewel tones (emerald greens, indigo etc.) and dark neutrals with an antique golden base or black. This will help you look like you’re rocking a more polished and glitzy version of your normal makeup, which is what you want.
Use an eye shadow primer or a crème shadow before applying any glitter. It will work as a glue to keep it on your eyelid so it doesn’t end up all over your face. Then press on a little loose glitter over the top and it will stay put.
Opt for an ultra-fine glitter so that you don’t have to worry about it getting into your eye, it’s also easy to gently remove if it falls onto your cheeks.
If you want a more subtle look, opt for a glitter liquid liner or a crème metallic eye shadow. Keep your eyelids matte and create a thin line at the bed of your eyelashes; or for a little more impact you smudge over lids for a splash of pretty shine.
I’d love you to share in the comments below, have you been tempted to rock a glitter eye makeup look this festive season? Are you going to give it a go for a Christmas party? Have these tips helped you feel good more confident about getting your glitter eye makeup on?