The Thing With Bridesmaids...

In this job I get to work with lots of super lovely brides, and on the wedding day morning I also meet their families and their squad of bridesmaids. On the whole, they’re a great bunch but on occasions I do stumble across an awkward bridesmaid who I’ve usually been given the heads up about in advance.
I am pretty certain that a stroppy bridesmaid doesn’t go out to cause specific trouble on a wedding day. But in my experience sometimes tensions amongst family and friends can run high in the lead up and on the day; as a result this can spill over into difficulties around what they’re wearing and how they want to look. Quite frankly this just adds unnecessary stress to the bride, so here are my top three tips on how to avoid the hassle and have a harmonious morning with your bridesmaids…
1. Good vibes only
Ultimately you know your friends and family, be brave and ruthless about who you pick to spend the morning with. Those that have a tendency to cast a downer on things easily or are difficult to handle should not feature! I also respect that you might have a high maintenance sister or cousin who you ‘have’ to have and if that’s the case then give them jobs that keep them out of your way for much of the morning. It’s your day so surround yourself with those sunshiny people that bring the best out in you!
2. Chief
Have a little think beforehand about who you want to be your right hand gal on the morning. More than likely you’ve already chosen your best pal to be your chief bridesmaid/maid of honour. You’ll obviously be briefing her in advance on the jobs you have for her during the day but also think about what you need to stay relaxed and calm whilst getting ready. It might be that you need her to take care of you (i.e. getting you a drink whilst you’re in my chair/making sure you’ve had some brekkie etc.) and/or keeping the other bridesmaids in check (i.e. making sure they’re on time/they don’t get too drunk etc.!) or even entertaining your mum/sister so that they leave you to have some peace whilst relaxing and enjoying having your hair done or face painted.
3. Agree in advance
We all thrive when we know what we’re doing, particularly on a grand occasion. So take control and decide ahead of the wedding day how you want your bridesmaids makeup and hair to look. This can be a collaborative approach with each one to make sure that they’re comfortable with how they’ll look. It’ll also save you a bunch of time on the wedding morning as they’ll be no debate or negotiations; you will have agreed on what their hair and makeup will look like in advance of the day.
As with all my blog posts this is just food for thought, I do hope it has been helpful in some way. What I have started to write more about in recent months is the recurring things - the big and small - that I notice on a wedding morning or at a trial. Ultimately these posts are designed to help and inform a bride-to-be, never meant in a negative way but simply as a friendly observation from someone who's seen a fair few big days.